Click on a sponsors icon to learn more about how they are supporting Automation in Testing, or view all the supporters here.
Support a single piece on the AiT site, such as a blog post or an online course
Support us across the AiT site and AiT playground.
Support us across the AiT site, AiT playground and AiT Online
If you're interested in any of the options above, or just want to have conversation about how we can support each other, please email us on [email protected] and [email protected].
What is a single piece?
A single piece consists of a single blog post, some of them get a lot of traffic and many new ones to come. Or it could be one of the online courses we have. For those we'd list you on the main course page and at the top of each lesson. A banner would be placed at the top of the content like this, with your logo, copy and link.
Social media announcements would we get?
You'd get a tweet and a post on LinkedIn from myself and Mark announcing your support. If you take the End-to-End option, you'd also be tagged in the promotional tweets for the Twitch and subsequently the tweets about the video being available on YouTube.
Large social media following?
Richard has 10,000+ followers on Twitter, Mark has 3000+. Mark has 1500+ followers on LinkedIn, Richard has 4000+.
What's on the permanent listing?
You can see some examples on the page. We list your logo, company, 280 characters of company text and how you've supported Automation in Testing.
How is the AiT practise site rebranded?
If you first head to the rest of this answer will make more sense.
AiT Playground is a practise site for learning automation and trying out new tools. It's a bed & breakfast booking system.
We'll add a new modal to the start up modals dedicated to your support, with your logo and link back.
We'll rename the Bed & Breakfast to something fun around your name/brand and include references to you in the copy.
What happens during your Twitch sessions?
We'll spend the hour pairing on your tool exploring it's functionality. This can be tailored to a specific area if you have a larger tool.
Let's say its an autoamtion based tool, we'd create automated checks against the AiT Playground to demonstrate the tools capabilities.
We'd also be providing valuable feedback throughout the stream about the features we like and where we've identifited areas of improvement.
Your support would be in the footer throughout the live stream and will also appear in the YouTube video, along with details about your support in the video description.